Bathroom brightening tips for your en-suite bathroom or main bathroom

The perfect way to create a relaxing ambiance in your bathroom is to introduce some new lighting and create a brighter bathroom with mirrors. Mirrors reflect the light and it

is amazing how they can change the look and feel of a bathroom when used cleverly around the whole bathroom area. I have seen mirrors cover a whole wall in a bathroom,

running along the wall beside the shower or bath and it is incredible how much more spacious the bathroom looks. Old style mirrors that our free standing can create that wonderful Victorian look that is timeless, they make the bathroom look luxurious and classical.  On the other hand hanging a number of modern mirrors on most of the bathroom walls can help to get the light reflecting off the walls and increasing the light penetration in darker bathrooms. This has been a really successful tip in smaller bathroom as well.

We would welcome your ideas on how you have helped to increase the light coming into your bathroom, shower room or wetroom, we will feed out any of your ideas to our customers! Here are some previous posts that we put on on our Shower Seal Direct blog last year, click hereto view them

Remember if you are looking for assistance with any of our shower seal or BAL tanking kit installations check out our installation videos - simply click here.  If you need to speak to any of our customer service team please call us or email us - details are on our contact page, we would be delighted to help you. Also if there are any improvements to our site that you would like to recommend please drop us an email as we love to hear your suggestions.

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