Storage Ideas for the Bedroom:
Shower Seals Direct has been offering you Bathroom & Shower Area storage ideas for the last two years. We also wrote about safety tips in the bathroom area for seniors and children as anywhere that holds water can be a potention danger for slips and falls.
So when we asked for some customer feedback on other problem areas in the house, we had a large number of our customers saying that the bedroom clutter was a big problem! Very often the clutter spils into the en suite bathroom aswell. The experts will say that a messy bedroom effects your sleep and ability to relax at night so we thought we should offer some storage ideas that might be useful.
1. Firstly you need to make use of all the available space in the bedroom, this often means using the underbed space to its full potential. Shoes and seasonal clothes can all we stored in proper sized storage compartments, we strongly recommend you use one with wheels to make it easier to pull them in & out from under th bed. You should also buy containers that have a proper cover on the top if you are storing clothes as this will prevent the collection of dust.
2. Wooden Blanket boxes – these are also really handy for storing clothes, shoes and many other items. They can easily be repainted to suit any room colour and can look really well when placed at the end of the bed. If you dont have one these can easily be picked up at any antiques store at very low prices
3. Floor to ceiling shelves – in order to maximize the space you need to think tall and adding shelves from floor to ceiling, maybe broken up by a nice mirror in the centre, could give you a huge amount of extra storage space. They are ideal for photos, books, cosmetics, even towels, candles and more. But remember dont use them as a dumping space, keep them neat and clean!
Please feel free to come back to us with any ideas you may have.
Shower Seals Direct Sales Team